Using this section you can enhance your experience by incorporating a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image through the 'HDRI Library' or β€˜My HDRIs’ section.

HDRI Library

Here you can find the Preset HDRIs provided by Avataar which you can use to your experience


Here you can find the HDRIs uploaded by you or your team using the Upload HDRI option under My HDRIs

Import HDRI

You can enhance your experience by incorporating a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image through the 'Select HDRI' selection. This feature allows you to seamlessly add a prefabricated HDRI from the Presents or HDRIs uploaded by you or your team.

Upload HDRI

You can also upload a custom High Dynamic Range (HDR) image to achieve desired lighting effects and atmosphere by clicking on the upload button next to the label β€œUpload HDRI”.

HDRI Settings

Under HDRI settings you’ll be to adjust the following:


This allows you to increase or decrease the HDRI’s exposure to meet your creative goals.


This will allow you to spin the HDRI around its horizontal (X) and vertical (Y). You’ll be able to achieve the desired lighting effects

Last updated